Saturday, January 24, 2015

Three Years Later & One Year Later in Venice

Jesus Going after the "One"
The 4 Gospels, don't contradict or confuse each other.  Rather, they complement and complete each other.  Matthew, a Gospel that focuses on the Kingship of Jesus, Mark on the servant hood of Jesus, Luke on the humanity of Jesus, and John on the deity of Jesus.  Luke 15, is a chapter containing 3 parables about the joys of salvation.  C.S. Lewis wrote: "Joy is the serious business of heaven," and it is a joy in which you and I can share.  After a careful and thoughtful read of this chapter, you discover the true value/worth of just one soulJesus said it best in Luke 15:7"I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."  Then in Verse 10"Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."  In this 3rd year of living here, and 1st year of our church, I understand this chapter at a whole new level.  October 1, 2014, marked 3 years of living here in Los Angeles...

1 of 2 Business Cards
September 16, 2014, marked the One Year Anniversary of my business...Eric Flores Fitness.  It was an incredible year starting the business, and trying to get established.  My brother-in-law Brandon, was helpful once again, in the area of having a logo and branding.  He created 4-5 different logos for different purposes.  To end the year, we started with new business cards and car door magnets in mind.  For 2015, our goals include but not limited to: t-shirts, polos, wristbands, hats, a website, etc.  Hopefully, this will be the year of expanding the business.  I am currently working on my 5th certification.  I will be going through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), to become a certified FNS (Fitness Nutrition Specialist.)  I consider myself very fortunate, to be afforded the opportunity to do this for a living.

Reunited with Jimmy, Liz, Loretta, Raf, and meeting Jonathan
In our first year as a church, we were blessed to have 2 guest speakersSunday April 27th, and Sunday June 8th, 2014, one of my best friends Pastor Jimmy Schaeurte, came and taught.  I served with him in Spain, and we were also ordained together.  I am so thankful for his friendship.  He is one of those voices of truth in my life, that encourages me to keep going!  Then on Sunday November 9th, friend, mentor, and Pastor Rafael Manzanares, came to meet the people and teach!  I can't say enough about him.  My pastoral gifts, really flourished under his leadership.  He had told me in the Fall of 2007, that I would have a church one day.  A dream come true.  There he was, 7 years later, being a part of that reality!  Words do escape me, describing the emotions that welled up inside me, as I listened on in.

1st Church Baptism
On Sunday July 27th, 2014, was our 1st Baptism.  I met Cindy in the Fall of 2011.  I had just moved to Los Angeles, and started working at Golds Gym in Venice.  We both worked late hours in those days.  She used to work the front desk, waiting to close up.  Over time, we built a good friendship.  Eventually, I started sharing why I moved plant a church.  I remember her saying..."Well, if you're the guy up there, maybe I will come!"  Time went by, and she stopped working at Golds Gym.  We only kept in touch through social media.  At the end of 2013, I informed her the church plant was now becoming a reality.  She made good on her word, and showed up within the first month.  Not only has Cindy been a part of our church family, but has become actively involved.  She has told me on many occasions..."I am committed to this flock, this is my church home."  At the baptism, she did a stellar job sharing her testimony.  She was a natural, and has a real giftBefore Jeff and I baptized her, I said to the church..."If Cindy was the only reason God sent me to Venice, it was worth it.."  Her eyes were filled with emotion and gratitude.  It will be a day I never forget.

Church Birthday Cake
Regeneration Church had its First Birthday, on Sunday January 4, 2015!  This year has flown by!  I look back with fond memories.  The love I have for these people, is hard to put into words.  I think this is the best church in the world.  I would rather be nowhere else right now, at this point in my life.  Like many church plants, this 1st year people have come and gone.  We have had our share of visitors, people just seeing what we are all about.  Before we launched, one Pastor shared with me, to let the first 1 to 2 years go by.  This was in regards to the shaping & molding, of the overall Vision & Mission of the church.  In other words, just see who God brings you to be those "core" people.  One year later, I am very pleased!  This gives me great hope entering our 2nd year of ministry!

Regeneration Church Celebrating 1 Year!
On Saturday July 26, 2014, we officially launched a church website!  My long-time friend Eddie Sahakian, was gracious enough to put all the work in.  I want to now give some shout outs Romans 16 style!  Thank you to these Worship Leaders: Daniel Bergquist, Nat Reyes, Kelsey Monteith, Ray Reyes, Josh Wagner, Steven Small, Adam Villarreal, Art Reyes, Johnny Beltran, Royce Rull, and Liz Schaeurte.  Thank you to Rhyss Leary, for putting together the Baptism Video.  In the area of design, thank you to Brandon Franco for our Church logo, Signs, and Banner.  Thank you to Samantha Flores, for the Sermon Series Artwork, and our 1st Easter Flier.  Thank you to Amanda Franco, for jumping right in to help in the area of hospitality, when you visit!  Without your help, this 1st year as a church would have seriously lacked!  It is so wonderful, to see the greater Body of Christ pitching in to help this new church!

Diane Sharing her Testimony
In conclusion, I want to thank my family, Shelp family, and volunteers, who call Regeneration homeProverbs 20:6 declares: "Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find?"  This verse comes to mind...when I think of your commitment, obedience, and devotion to Jesus and His church.  I am so pumped, as we look to our 2nd year, being filled with Retreats, Mission Trips, Outreaches, Development of other ministries, and much more!

By His Grace,


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