Saturday, June 29, 2013


Jeff Shelp
The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, that he would be sending Timothy to them shortly.  Here is what he said of him in Philippians 2:20"For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state."  Paul had met many people in life and ministry, in the course of 30 years.  However, there was nobody quite like Timothy.  Last post, I mentioned Jeff Shelp and myself, were attempting to start over again with the ministry here in Venice Beach.  We both feel it has been almost "effortless," in part because of the like-mindedness we share.  With that, here is a little bio of Jeff Shelp he sent me...

Jeff Shelp serves as the Accounting Manager for World Impact, an urban missions organization in Los Angeles.  He has served as a worship leader at Metro Calvary Chapel Santa Monica as well as the Westside Vineyard Christian Fellowship.  He is currently part of a new church plant in Venice, California, where he resides with his two sons.  They enjoy surfing, baseball, and writing music together.

On Wednesday January 16th, we started a new Bible Study in Jeff's apartment.  The first 2-3 weeks, nobody came except Jeff, me, and his son.  I had invited at least two people every week. We both agreed that we wanted locals (Venetians), and didn't want to take people from other existing churches.  We also were prepared to study and pray with just us, for the next few months.  There was no hurry, to get people to come.  We now have been meeting only 5 short months...and we have other people!  They have come from my work, the boardwalk, and neighbors in the apartment building.  It has been the highlight of my week, from the very beginning!  We also have Christians and non-Christians who come.  Jeff and I sometimes have just looked at each other, and wanted to pinch ourselves...because it has been going so well!  One woman made the comment:  "If I hadn't sensed the presence of the Lord when I first came, I wouldn't have returned."  Another woman, came to Venice 5 years ago, and lives out of her van.  Her beliefs are all over the place, but is intrigued by the Bible.  She had never been to a Bible Study in her entire life.  Recently, she shared with me that she had a question about a part of the Bible she was reading.  I responded, "Great, you have been reading on your own?!"  She said: "Yeah, I started reading because of you guys."  Jeff and I were ecstatic!

Jeff and I, are prayerfully and thoughtfully planning on launching in the Fall.  Lord willing, we will finally be doing Sunday morning services in a building.  Desiring to establish ourselves as a church in the community, and be more proactive in letting them know we exist.

Inside Men's Central Jail
Saturday February 23rd, was my first day volunteering at Men's Central Jail...the largest jail in the world located in Downtown LA.  I couldn't believe I was finally going!  It had been well over a year, trying to get in...legally!  I hooked up with a team of guys, in a ministry by the name of Malachi Dads.  We meet in one large group, then break up into smaller groups.  We also provide Bibles, prayer, and any other resources they may need.  The 12 week curriculum and homework, is based on Malachi 4:6a: "And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers."  We study together the basics of Biblical Christianity, and end on being godly husbands and fathers.  On Saturday May 25th, some of the men graduated the course.  What blessed the other volunteers and myself the most, was each graduate sharing their story.  Some were in for murder, theft, drug dealing, gang activity..etc.  While others, shared how they had been terrible husbands and fathers.  Estranged from their families for years, even decades.  However, all had one thing in common...Jesus and His Word transforming their lives from the inside out.  The inmates were able to write their families, and some were being released the very next week.  Now, with a renewed sense of hope of making things right.  As mentioned in a previous post, there are 2,500,000 inmates in America.  70% of the men incarcerated, there children will follow in their footsteps and end up in prison.  90-95% of American males on death row, have one thing in common, they absolutely hate their father. 

For the Summer, we will only be meeting once a month, and study from the book of Proverbs.  It has been said: "If you want to know the heart of God, study Psalms.  If you want to know the mind of God, study Proverbs."  This is one of my favorite books, because there is so much heavenly wisdom therein.  In the Fall, we will go back to meeting weekly with the previous curriculum/lesson plans.

On Tuesday May 28th, I hit my 1 year mark of being a Personal Trainer at Golds Gym.  It has been a great rookie year, of formal personal training.  It has been a joy to be a part of people hitting goals, losing weight, taking down their body fat percentage, change in measurements, and so much more.  However, the most important thing... is seeing people feeling comfortable in their own skin.  Some clients have even written testimonies for me as their trainer.  Also, I finally took the exam to get my 2nd certification.  I passed on Wednesday April 17th, and received it from the NCCPT (National Council for Certified Personal Trainers.)  I am now freed up, to study for my 3rd certification.  Hopefully, I will soon be a MMA Conditioning Specialist.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 states: "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."  To focus on these pursuits...I took a break from my volunteer work as a Pastoral Volunteer at Marina Del Rey Hospital, and volunteer work at Boys and Girls Club of Venice.  For the latter portion of this year, I hope to return to these important needs in the community.

In closing, I came across this quote: "God will never leave you empty.  He will replace everything you lost.  If He asks you to put something down, it's because He wants you to pick up something greater."  The latter part of 2012, was a season of putting things down.  The first half of 2013, has been a year of picking up again.  I must has been a blast!  I look forward with great anticipation, to the possibilities of greater things ahead!

By His Grace,


  1. Hey Eric!

    Good to hear from you man! :-)
    Mónica and I send our best greetings from a warmer and warmer Mallorca.

    Had a great day with Johnny and family today, and we were uplifted by your blog post!
    Wish we were there! :-)

    Make it a great day through Him, and lets stay in contact on Skype!

    Mónica and Rick @:-)

  2. Rickster and Monica!! Thx for reading, glad you were built up amigos! Hey, I wish was there! Yes, we should speak soon on skype!


  3. God is good. I can't wait to hear more about the growth and love your guys church will soon be blessed with. :) Keep running the race to win.- Alejandro anchondo :)

  4. Thx broham! Appreciate it! Looking forward to what God is going to do with you too!
