Friday December 2nd, was my first official day serving as a Chaplain at Marina Del Rey Hospital. The Pastoral Care Coordinator is Carolena Fens. She has been a pleasure to work with, as she continues to show me the ropes. She has much favor there, and even assisted me in getting my photo and ID badge fairly quickly. Every time I go in, she has a well organized list waiting for me. The information contains: Name of patient/Room and Bed Number/Age/Gender/Marital Status/Religion. Some of the patients, have shared with me some positive feedback. For the most part, the very fact that I am a young pastor, has blessed them. A few have commented: "We need more young people doing this type of work." Still others, have different perspectives on my visits. On one occasion, I was having a great conversation with an older gentlemen, when all of a sudden his wife and daughter showed up. The wife looked particularly concerned...as she thought the only reason I was there, was because her husband's condition took a turn for the worse! In other words, pastors only show up when a patient is dying!
In the months of December and January, I was trying to pick up a 2nd job with better income. I tried everything from TSA, to every airline at LAX, to Coca-C

After all was said and done, they decided to go ahead, and promote me to be a Personal Trainer! However, it won't be until the end of May. My manager needs me to continu

On Saturday February 11th, I attended a Only Hope Prison Seminar in Simi Valley with Jeff Shelp, who is a part of the VB Church Plant Team. I had been trying to get a hold of the Senior Chaplain (Ed Welsh), since August 2011...with no success! Turns out, Jeff's job puts him in touch with one of the chaplains at the prison named Mike Broyles. We touched base and hit it off, then he extended an invite to attend this seminar. Attending would be the chief of LASD, President of Only Hope Prison Ministries, other chaplains, law enforcement, etc. As Jeff and I sit down for lunch, we end up meeting some really cool people. Over the course of the conversation, turns out one of the gentlemen is close friends with Ed Welsh! He then goes, and gets Ed to come over and meet me immediately. Once again, God orchestrates everything beautifully!!
On Wednesday February 22nd, Ed and I met for lunch and an informal interview. Afterwards, I filled out some paperwork and mailed it in. I am currently filling out more documents, being screened, and waiting to see if I pass or not. If all goes well, I will begin ministering early April. I will start off as an Assistant Chaplain: doing visits, counseling, handing out Bibles, and conducting Bible Studies. Eventually, when I become a Chaplain, I will be able to preach/teach at Chapel Services. However, Mike Broyles is the Director of TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute). They conduct a seminary in the jail, for those called to be pastors. Some will get out, and Lord willing plant and pastor churches themselves...while still others will never get out, but shepherd inmates around them. Mike went on

On Wednesday January 4th, our VB Bible Study met at the Electric Lodge. An apartment and two coffee shops later, the Lord blessed us with the ideal building and our first pick. The location is stellar, mainly because it is right behind Abbot Kinney Blvd. This is a major street in Venice Beach, where many locals hang out. We currently meet in the basement of this building, which fits around twenty people. What is so great about this as well, is there is room to grow. If we outgrow the basement, there is a large dance studio, and
On Sunday January 29th, we had a night of prayer/worship/vision. We rented the dance studio, and it was a great time together. Every leader shared a piece of the puzzle...such as God's heart for Venice/Strongholds/Jeff's testimony as a local/culture/youth/homeless, and I shared a little history lesson of the city. It was such a wonderful night! The last song played that night was "God of this City," by Chris Tomlin. I hadn't heard it in years, but it took on new meaning as now I was living in this city. I couldn't help but sing it all that week at work.
Over the past few months, I have had countless meetings with the leadership team. We needed to find out if we were in agreement on some of the following, before moving forward: name of the church, vision/mission, leadership roles, and timeline. We are all currently reading through a 37 page packet of Bylaws for Metro Calvary Chapel. We as a team have to present these things to the board of Metro, in the month of April. After this meeting, we will have a more solid timeline for when we will "launch," and transition from a Wednesday night Bible study to a Sunday morning church plant. Please pray for God's perfect timing, as we don't want to rush ahead or fall behind.
In closing, I honestly couldn't have asked God for a better team, to plant this church with! You will be introduced to them soon, in another post. We are also planning an outreach for Easter next month...so pray!
By His Grace,
Happy Birthday Eric!