Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Foundation Phase

Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, in 1 Corinthians 3:11: "For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."  As the church is being planted and established in Venice Beach, I am constantly being reminded of what we are building on.  Not to mention what we are building with.  Hopefully and prayerfully, we are laying a good foundation for the years to come.  I also see God laying a foundation in me and the leaders.  Jesus spoke on the storms of life coming, and not being a matter of if...but when.  So, when the storms of life come beating on this new church plant, we hope it stands, for it is founded on the rock.  That rock is Jesus Christ...

Upon my return from Costa Rica, I had a promotion to look forward to.  I had worked as a "Housekeeping Associate," in the custodial arts for six and a half months.  On Monday May 28th, I started my first day in the Personal Training Department at Gold's Gym.  The first couple of weeks were all about orientation, and shadowing other personal trainers.  It was great to learn different styles and philosophies of training.  On Thursday June 21st, I also took an exam and got CPR certified.  I had mentioned a few posts back, the need to get another certification for personal training.  The Lord has provided again!  Turns out, they want all the gyms to be on the same page in this regard.  So, every trainer has to get certified by the NCCPT (National Council for Certified Personal Trainers.)  The blessing is, we all get to do the course, and take the test for free by September 1st.

Back in April, Ed Welsh (senior chaplain) at the jail, informed me that they had lost my paperwork.  I had to fill out everything again and submit it.  On Thursday June 28th, I attended a two hour orientation class and passed it.  I am in communication with Ed, discussing when and how often I can volunteer.  Lord willing, I will be able to start ministering at Men's Central Jail in August.

Boys and Girls Club Venice
As the foundation is still being laid, I am constantly thinking and praying...about ways to get involved in the community.  To rub elbows with locals and their families.  In December of last year,  I started to have a burden to serve teens without a father or older brother.  Young men, who needed to be mentored and wanted/needed a male role model.  I decided to volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club in Venice.  After going through the application process, I attended an orientation on Tuesday June 19th.  The age group I narrowed in on, was junior high to high school.  The club is currently doing a summer program.  One of them is called "The Biggest Loser," addressing child obesity and getting rid of negative attitudes.  Another one is "Boy Talk/Girl Talk," in which relevant topics are discussed that are age appropriate. Monday July 16th, was my first day of volunteering at the club.  I attended the biggest loser, simply as an observer.  Afterwards, I was the guest speaker at the boy talk.  I spoke on nutrition, training for sports, and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.  I also did some Q & A, as many of them want to be professional athletes one day.  It was a big turnout, and I had a lot of fun.  Next time, the staff wants me to put the kids through a workout.

Oakwood Park
The team and I, had been praying and thinking about when to go more public.  On Sunday July 1st, we did our first Sunday morning at Oakwood Park.  I am currently teaching through the book of Ecclesiastes.  We BBQ for those in the service, and those who don't join in on the service as well.  The vision is to end the summer at the park by the end of September, with a baptism at Venice Beach.  As we are faithful, we will see if the Lord adds to our number.  We are thinking of "launching" in the fall.  We also still meet Wednesdays at the Electric Lodge.  We are studying the book of Acts...but not the whole book or in chronological order.  We rotate the teaching between the leadership, and whatever chapter or passage they decide on, is the study.  I have also been typing up documents on church leadership, roles and responsibilities for the team, and meetings.  Everyone is happy with their job description, and what they contribute.  In an effort to maintain unity among us, I deemed this necessary.  Our doctrine, theology, and philosophy of ministry, has been a major part of laying the foundation for this church plant.

On Tuesday June 19th, Golds Gym made the front of the New York Times.  It appears google, is trying to lease all of Venice Beach.  As you read the article, you will get even more perspective of the culture and community here.  Not to mention Arnold's ;).  Check it out at

Jesus said he would build His church.  If the foundation is Jesus, His Gospel, and His Word...I know it can't go wrong.

By His Grace,


  1. Our Love, prayers and support are with you BRutha! We continue to pray if you will be seeing us playin volleyball with ya on the beach there in Venice ;)

    1. Brandono!!
      They are always felt!! I love you both!!

  2. I love everything you're doing in Venice bro... I'm totally behind you and I believe in the Creator of the universe and I believe in You via Him. I pray for you and the crew at Venice. You have an amazing love for Jesus and a heart for Venice. I am in agreement with you in your efforts toward this church plant. "Lord I ask a special hedge of protection over Eric and the crew at Venice Beach. YOU know the unique and difficult challenges they face Lord. I ask extra protection over them for the evil that lurks at Venice and has succeeded so far in keeping Your church from being established there. Let them shine Your light in this dark place, Lord. Above all, may Your perfect will be done in their lives and in the lives of the citizens of Venice Beach! AMEN!"

    Thanks for this blog... I'm trusting I'll be reading about all the good things going on in the weeks and months to come!

    (M. McFly)
