Thursday, June 19, 2014


Church Logo
 The book of Acts, is a record of the 1st century church.  Documented therein, is persecution of the early Christians.  The Apostles were being constantly threatened, not to speak in the name of Jesus anymore.  They responded with: "We ought to obey God rather than men."  This infuriated those opposing Jesus.  As a result, they desired to put to death the Apostles.  A Pharisee named Gamaliel, was a respected teacher of the law.  He stood up and said this in Acts 5:38-39"And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it-lest you even be found to fight against God."  Prior to launching, I interviewed a few Church Planters here in Los Angeles.  One shared with me, that 9 out of 10 church plants fail here in LA.  In just two and a half years, of him being on the Westside, five had failed already.  Studies have shown through the years, that 3,500 churches die and close each year in America.  However, according to researchers Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird, that is changing.  Recent studies show, that approximately 4,000 churches are birthed in the U.S. (500 more than are closed) every year.  In light of this passage of Scripture, and these numbers, time will only tell where we fit in the grand scheme of things...

Church Facebook Cover Photo
December 2013, a month of making final preparations for the launch of the church.  Before opening a bank account, they required a few items.  Jeff Shelp drew up the bylaws for the church, we read over them, and then signed them.  Jeff obtained a Tax ID Number, and then we were finally able to go to the bank!  After opening an account in the church's name, getting debit cards, and a checkbook...Jeff set up a bookkeeping system.  Through the month, my brother-in-law Brandon and I, worked on the church logo.  Easy enough right?  Wrong!  There are so many details!  Everything from design, colors, font, size of letters, placement, mixing and matching, etc.  So, after countless hours, text messages, e-mails, rough drafts, phone calls, visits, it was finally done!  To be honest, we wanted it to be simple.  Something that could stand the test of time, in the face of trends/fads.  Afterwards, church business cards needed to be designed, ordered, as well as creating a church e-mail address.  It was all coming together.  Finally, the last thing on the list was dealing with The Electric Lodge.  I read, signed, turned in the contract, got the key, and received final instructions for opening day!

Inside Twin Towers
On Saturday December 21, 2013, I attended the graduation for Malachi Dads.  Once again, I was blessed to hear every inmate's story of God's grace in their lives.  Last post, I mentioned starting to do ministry at Twin Towers.  Due to launching the church, and taking on more "tent-making" work on time at Men's Central Jail with Malachi Dads was coming to a close for now.  As a result, I was really looking forward to volunteering at Twin Towers, in the evening during the week.  After filling out the application, turning it in, tons of phone calls, texts, e-mails...the door closed.  On February 7th, 2014, my appointment with the senior chaplain was a no show.  However, the chaplain who I originally met up with, was so helpful through the process.  He tried everything to get me in.  Then on March 18th and 26th, 2014...I received word that this same senior chaplain, was no longer accepting new volunteers.  This was primarily due, to leadership changes within the department.  Eventually, I pray I will be able to come back to do ministry there.

Eric Flores Fitness Facebook Profile Pic
On November 15, 2013, I took and passed my exam, to become a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) certified MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Conditioning Specialist!  This marked my 4th certification.  It has now been 9 months, since I started my business Eric Flores Fitness.  I am so fortunate, to be doing something I love and am passionate about, while attempting to plant this church.  My clients are all committed, and a real joy and pleasure to work with.  The business has continued to grow, with new clients and the purchasing of new equipment.  My goal is to not only be a great pastor, but a great trainer.

On Sunday January 5, 2014, after 2 years and 3 months of living here in Los Angeles...Regeneration Church finally launched!  Our first Sunday Morning service, was held at the Dance Studio in the Electric Lodge.  In 5 short months, Jeff and I have been so joyful, over the work God is doing.  From the very beginning, we have had 3 basic types of people, come through our doors.  The 1st type of person, has been the unbeliever.  Not really antagonistic toward the gospel, but curious and intrigued by it.  The 2nd type, would be the new believer.  Men and women, who are still new in their faith and walk with Jesus.  The 3rd type, would be the believer who hasn't been a part of the church in a while...somewhat lost their way.  However, they have recently found their way back to our front step.  Our 1st Sermon Series was Vision, 2ndly was The Bible: The Word Of God, Or The Word Of Man?, 3rdly was Codes, Visions, Missions, Statements...??. Currently, we our in our 4th sermon series entitled: The Pursuit Of Joy: A Study Through The Book Of Philippians.

Current Sermon Series
On Monday January 6th, I went on the radio program Light into the Night, on KGBC for the 3rd time.  The host and co-host, wanted to hear about the launch the day before, as well as our vision/mission for the church.  Just the next day, on Tuesday January 7th, I received bad news from the Electric Lodge.  They made a mistake, and were not supposed to rent to us.  It came down to noise control and parking in the neighborhood, at early hours on a Sunday morning.  Jeff and I were on the hunt again!  We contacted and visited office spaces, hotels, theaters, schools, libraries, senior centers, community centers, recreation centers, all to no avail!  Praise God, the lodge was very sorry and wanting to still accommodate us!  Two weeks later, on Sunday January 19th, we met in the amphitheater, located at the lodge.  This then, would give us a month to buy time.  Part of the problem was...the times that were for rent in both the dance studio and amphitheater, already had classes, plays, and rehearsals booked in them.  Then boom!  The basement, was open for as long as we wanted it!  We started meeting there by the end of February, and have been there ever since.

St. Joseph Center Slogan and Logo
Lord willing, Summer 2014 includes baptisms, outreaches, building a church website, and much more!  As the doors have closed for now at the jail, I have been thinking and praying about other avenues, to get involved with the community of VeniceSt. Joseph Center, provides many programs to meet the needs of the community.  One, is called Bread and Roses Cafe.  A place that provides 4 star food for the homeless, operating like a restaurant, making reservations, fresh flowers on the table, ordering off a menu, being served and waited on, etc.  They serve 150 people everyday Monday-Friday.  I am currently going through the application process.  I hope to get involved by the end of Summer.

In conclusion, there are so many other "little things," that have been done in regards to church work.  Jeff and I have been blessed by our volunteers, families, and church members, serving in the name of JesusEveryone, just has a heart to love, serve, and help one another.  I still don't know, what will become of Regeneration Church as our 1st year unfolds.  What I do know, is Jeff and I are enjoying the journey, and learning a lot!  Source unknown"We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey,  especially the goodness of the people we meet on the way.  Appreciation is a wonderful feeling, don't overlook it."

By His Grace,